Pfaffenwaldring 4
70569 Stuttgart
Raum: 0.5
Verstärkungs- und Befestigungsmethoden
Aufsätze mit "peer review":
- Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, Jan Hofmann, “Cast-In and Post-Installed Rebar Anchorage Systems in RC Column Foundation Joints: System specific assessment and design”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 276, 2023.
- Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, Jan Hofmann, “Cast-In and Post-Installed Rebar Anchorage Systems in RC Column Foundation Joints: Experimental investigations”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 238, 2021.
- Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, “Bidirectional Loading History for Seismic Testing of 3D Frame Joints”, CivilEng, Vol. 2, 2021, pp.349-369
- Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, Jan Hofmann, “Re-evaluation of existing tests on RC connections using post-installed reinforcing bars”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 209, 2020.
- Chellapandian, S. Suriya Prakash, Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, “Microplane based Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of FRP Strengthened RC Columns”, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 117, No. 1 2020, pp.255-268.
- Chellapandian, S. Suriya Prakash, Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, “Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Effectiveness of Hybrid FRP Strengthening on Behavior of RC Columns under High Eccentric Compression”, ASCE's Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 24, No.6, 2019.
- Akanshu Sharma, Vinay Mahadik, Jan Hofmann, “Influence of tension loading protocol on crack cycling tests on undercut anchors” accepted for publication in ACI Structural Journal, 2016
- Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, Jan Hofmann, “Inelastic seismic behavior of post-installed anchors for nuclear safety related structures: Generation of experimental database”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 297, 2016, 231-250
- Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, J Ožbolt, YM Parulekar, GR Reddy and KK Vaze, “Simulation of flexural behavior of a simply supported beam subjected to corrosion” J. of Structural Engg. SERC, Vol. 40, No.1, April-May-2013, pp.80-84.
Konferenzen und Workshops:
- Vinay Mahadik, Jan Hofmann, Giovacchino Genesio, Akanshu Sharma, “Concrete breakout failures in rebar end anchorage zones”, Proceedings of 5th Conference on Bond in Concrete, July 2022, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Jan Hofmann, Vinay Mahadik, “Assessment framework in background of TR069”, Proceedings of 5th Conference on Bond in Concrete, July 2022, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Andre Weber, Joey Dittmar, Vinay Mahadik, “Different anchoring concepts for FRP rebars and anchors”, Proceedings of 5th Conference on Bond in Concrete, July 2022, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Vinay Mahadik, Jan Hofmann, Akanshu Sharma, Giovacchino Genesio, “Beam-column connections formed with post-installed versus cast-in reinforcement: cyclic behaviour”, 17th World conference on Earthquake Engineering, 17WCEE, Sendai, Japan, September 13-18, 2020.
- Vinay Mahadik, Jan Hofmann, “Creep behavior of tension loaded adhesive anchors in non-cracked low strength concrete”, IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering Vol. 615, 2019.
- Vinay Mahadik, Akram Al Assadi, Akanshu Sharma, Jan Hofmann, “Anchorage inelasticity as an important factor affecting the response of reinforced concrete frames with steel bracing”, 3rd International Symposium on Connections between Steel and Concrete, Stuttgart, Germany, September 27th -29th , 2017.
- Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, Jan Hofmann, “Numerical analysis of seismic performance of beam-to-column post-installed rebar connections: pre-test simulations” 3rd International Symposium on Connections between Steel and Concrete, Stuttgart, Germany, September 27th -29th, 2017.
- Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma and Jan Hofmann, “Seismic Performance of Column-Foundation-Joints with Post-Installed Rebar Connections: Pre-test simulations” High Tech Concrete: Where Technology and Engineering Meet, Proceedings of the 2017 fib Symposium, held in Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 12–14, 2017.
- Veit Birtel ,Fabian Dwenger, Thilo Fröhlich, Jan Hofmann, Klaus Kerkhof ,Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, Thomas Bauer, Marcus Ries and Fritz-Otto Henkel, “Interactions of the coupled system piping-anchor-building-full scale dynamic tests and numerical models”, 42nd MPA-Seminar, at: Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany, 2016.
- Fabian Dwenger, Klaus Kerkhof, Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, “Numerical studies describing the interactions of the coupled system ‘building-post installed anchor-piping’ at seismic loading”, 27th International Conference on Noise and Vibration engineering, at: Leuven, Belgium, ISMA 2016
- Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, Jan Hofmann, “Modelling structure-anchor-component interaction for nuclear safety related structures under seismic loads – part 1: generation of experimental database” Transactions, SMiRT-23, Manchester, United Kingdom, August 10-14, 2015
- Jan Hofmann, Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, “Modelling structure-anchor-component interaction for nuclear safety related structures under seismic loads – part 2: development of numerical model” Transactions, SMiRT-23, Manchester, United Kingdom, August 10-14, 2015
- Akanshu Sharma, V Mahadik, J Hofmann, “Crack cycling tests on undercut anchors for application in nuclear safety related structures with different tension loading protocols” Transactions, SMiRT-23, Manchester, United Kingdom, August 10-14, 2015
- Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, YM Parulekar, GR Reddy, KK Vaze, “Modelling Effect of Reinforcement Corrosion on Structural Behaviour of Beams” 8th Biennial Conference on Structural Engineering Convention, SEC 2012, December 2012
- Vinay Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, GR Reddy, KK Vaze, “Performance based design of real life RC frame structure—A Case Study”, 8th Biennial Conference on Structural Engineering Convention, SEC 2012, December 2012
- V Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, J Ožbolt, YM Parulekar, GR Reddy, KK Vaze, “Simulation of flexural behavior of a simply supported beam subjected to corrosion” Int. Congress on Comp. Mech. and Sim. (ICCMS), December 2012
- S. Bandyopadhyay, A. Sengupta, GR. Reddy, Vinay Mahadik, “Performance of sand and rubber composite as a natural base isolation system for earthquake protection” ACUN 6—Composites and Nanocomposites in Civil, Offshore and Mining Infrastructure, Melbourne, November, 2012.
- V Mahadik, Akanshu Sharma, YM Parulekar, GR Reddy, KK Vaze, “Behavior of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams under Flexure-Numerical Simulation” 28th NCCE & National Seminar on Role of Infrastructure for Sustainable Development, The Institution of Engineers (India), October 2012
- Vinay Mahadik, DK Paul, GR Reddy, PN Dubey, SK Deb, “Comparison of recorded response of conventional and base isolated buildings with analysis”, Transactions, SMiRT 21, New Delhi, India, Div-V: Paper ID# 576, November, 2011
- Vinay Mahadik, “Post installed rebar end anchorages in reinforced concrete connections”, PhD. Thesis (submitted for publication), Institute of Construction Materials (IWB), University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2022
- Vinay Mahadik, “Comparison of Experimental Seismic Response of Conventional and Base Isolated Building with Analysis”, Master Thesis, Department of Earthquake Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
- Vinay Mahadik, “Vulnerability Assessment and Retrofitting of a Liquid Retaining Structure”, Bachelor Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India
2004 - 2008: National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India
2008: Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering, 7.6/10
2008 - 2010: Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
2010: Masters of Technology in Earthquake Engineering, 9.01/10
2022: Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering (University of Stuttgart)
2010 - Dezember 2013: Reactor Safety Division, Bhaba Atomic Research Center, Mumbai India
Januar 2014 - heute: Institut für Werkstoffe im Bauwesen
- Indian Society for Earthquake Technology (since August 2009)
Betreute Masterarbeiten:
- Deniz Upcin, “Shear behaviour of fasteners with stand-off installation (in German)”, Master Thesis, University of Stuttgart, 2023
- Malay Mishra, “Influence of mandrel diameter on end anchorages of reinforcing bars”, Master Thesis, University of Stuttgart, 2023
- Dharshan Lokekere Gopal, “Assessment and evaluation of anchorages under combination of sustained and cyclic load actions”, Master Thesis, University of Stuttgart, 2023
- Hilal Cayir, “Concrete breakout in narrow concrete members (in German)”, Bachelor Thesis, University of Stuttgart, 2021
- Marcel Hruby and Alexamder Paevskij “ Fatigue behaviour of anchorages under steel fracture (in German)” Master Thesis, university of Stuttgart, 2021
- Philipp Loderstedt, “Parameter study for the investigation of the composite behaviour based on the local composite slip law (in German)”, Master Thesis, University of Stuttgart, 2021
- Biagio Chiurazzi, “Numerical simulations on wall-foundation connections using post-installed rebar systems”, Master Thesis, University of Stuttgart, 2019
- Akram Al Assadi, “Modelling Approach for Anchorages in Retrofitting Reinforced Concrete Frame with Steel Brace Elements”, Master Thesis, University of Stuttgart, 2017
- Biagio Chiurazzi, “Sustained load behaviour of tension loaded adhesive anchors in non-cracked low-strength concrete”, Bachelor Thesis, University of Stuttgart, 2016
- Sri Rama Krishna Kavuluru, “Bond Behavior Between Concrete and Steel Rebar”, Master Thesis, National Institute of Technology-Karnataka, Surathkal, India, 2014
- Srijit Bandyopadhyay, “Experimental Investigation into Natural Base Isolation System for Earthquake Protection of Low-to-Medium-Rise Buildings”, Master Thesis, Indian Institute of Technology- Kharagpur, 2012
- Verhalten von Bewehrungsendverankerungen in Stahlbetonanschlüssen
- Nichtlineare statische und dynamische Analyse von Baukonstruktionen unter seismischer Beanspruchung
- Leistungsbasierte Bemessung und Analyse unter normalen und extremen Beanspruchungen
- Statische und dynamische Untersuchungen von Stahlbetonbauteilen
- Seismisches Verstärken von Stahlbetonbauwerken
- Seismisches Verhalten von nachträglich installierten Befestigungen
- Langzeitverhalten von Verbunddübeln
- Seismische Untersuchungen an Verankerungen
- Bauwerk-Dübel-Bauteil-Interaktion unter seismischen Beanspruchungen
- Modellierung des Verbundverhaltens zwischen Bewehrung und Beton
- Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung und Zustandsbewertung von Stahlbetonkonstruktionen
- Auswirkungen von Korrosion auf das Tragverhalten von Stahlbetonkonstruktionen
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