Listed Publications

Listed Publications of the Institute of Construction Materials

IWB Publication List


Sippel, T.M.; Hofmann, J.; Maçi, N.: Einbetonierte Ankerbolzen Peikko HPM-L unter Ermüdungsbeanspruchungen (Teil 2). In: Betonwerk und Fertigteiltechnik 91 (2025), Nr. 1, S. 48-53

Stucki, S.; Kelch, S.; Mamie, T.; Burckhardt, U.; Grönquist, P.; Yan, W.; Elsener, R.; Schubert, M.; Frangi, A.; Burgert, I.: Bonding of beech wood to mortar with a novel epoxy hybrid-adhesive: performance in dry and wet conditions, In: International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 136 (2025), No. 103868,


Baumert, C.: Concrete rheometer round robin test (DFG 2005) - Unique features of the IWB rheometer in terms of shear-induced particle migration. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 11-17

Eckstein, M.; Hofmann, J.: The limitations of the concrete capacity design (CCD) method in calculating the breakout area. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 2594-2603

Eckstein, M.Y.; Hofmann, J.: Load bearing behaviour of fastenings with effective embedment depth less than 30 mm. In: Balazs, G.L.; Solyom, S.; Foster, S. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 15th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary, 28-30 August 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 793-800

Fröhlich, T.; Hofmann, J.: Fatigue resistance of anchors in concrete under shear load with lever arm. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp.621-630

Garrecht, H.; Mešković, A.; Bošnjak, J.; Schrang, K.: Biomasse basierte Konstruktionsleichtbetone - ein Weg zur CO2-neutralen Betonbauweise? In: Betonwerk und Fertigteiltechnik (2024), Nr. 5, S. 48-49

Geçgel, A.S.: Evaluation of sedimentation stability on prototype P-Type 6: acceleration measurement on the shaking table. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 57-64

Geiger, S.; Hofmann, J.: A simplified spring model for the design of fastening systems. In: Balazs, G.L.; Solyom, S.; Foster, S. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 15th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary, 28-30 August 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 301-308

Geiger, S.; Hofmann, J.: Simulation comparison of pentalinear with bi-linear spring characteristics. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 65-85

Geiger, S.; Hofmann, J.: Spring models for the design of fastening sysems: requirements and challenges. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 1495-1505

Hauke, B.; Hein, H.L.: Ökobilanzierung im Bauwesen: Mit CO2 als zweiter Währung verändern sich Bedeutung und Anwendung. In: Bauphysik 46 (2024), Nr. 1, S. 33-43,

Hauke, B.; Hein, H.L.: Ökobilanzierung im Bauwesen: Mit CO2 als zweiter Währung verändern sich Bedeutung und Anwendung. In: Bautechnik 101 (2024), Nr. 1, S. 29-39,  

Hejazi, B.; Luz, C.; Grüner, F.; Frick, J.; Garrecht, H.: Characteristion of adobe and mud-straw for the restoration and rehabilitation of Persian historical adobe buildings. In: Materials 17 (2024), No. 8, ID 1764,

Holder, J.; Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Influence of different modelling approaches on the predict concrete edge failure of fasteners. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 598-609

Holder, J.; Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Use of numerical simulations for the design of fasteners - limitations and way forward. In: Balazs, G.L.; Solyom, S.; Foster, S. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 15th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary, 28-30 August 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 309-315

Koch, S.M.; Dreimol, C.H.; Goldhahn, C.; Maillard, A.; Stadler, A.; Künniger, T.; Grönquist, P.; Ritter, M.; Keplinger, T.; Burgert, I.: Biodegradable and Flexible Wood-Gelatin Composites for Soft Actuating Systems. In: ACS Sustainable Chistry Engineering 12 (2024), No. 23, pp 8662-8670,

Lakhani, H.; Geiger, S.; Hofmann, J.: Analysis of fastenings in concrete using spring models: requirements for finite-element based modelling. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 2583-2593

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Fire resistance of group of fasteners with focus on concrete cone failure. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 2717-2724

Lakhani, H.; Holder, J.; Hofmann, J.: Effect of bond on the shear capacity of reinforced concrete beams: comparison of different FE models. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp.1736-1745

Lisin, W.S.: K-means clustering-based porosity assessment. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 109-118

Lokekere Gopal, D.; Mahadik, V.; Hofmann, J.: Bonded anchors under cycling sustained loads. Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 119-126

Markert, M.; Birtel, V.; Garrecht, H.: The effect of concrete moisture on the fatigue resistance of HPC under uniaxial and triaxial loading. In:Henry, R.S.; Palermo, A. (Eds.): ReConStruct: Resilient Concrete Structures; proceedings of the 2024 fib Symposium, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 195-204

Markert, M.; Schiewe, H.; Garrecht, H.: The effect of different concrete compositions and mixing methods on the influence of temperature on the static compressive strength and its consequence on fatigue resistance. In: Balazs, G.L.; Solyom, S.; Foster, S. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 15th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary, 28-30 August 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 1175-1182

Panzehir, M.; Hofmann, J.: Load capacity of anchorages in sold calcium silicate masonry with brick breakout failure. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 147-160

Pimienta, P.; McNamee, R.; Robert, F. u.a.; Bosnjak, J.; u.a.; Lakhani, H.; u.a.: Recommendation of RILEM TC 256-SPF on fire spalling assessment during standardised fire resistance tests: complementary guidance and requirements. In: Materials and Structures 57 (2024), No. 1.

Ramadan, Z.; Teichmann, L.; Resta, L.F.; Dinga, G.T.; Boy, L.; Garrecht, H.; Bögle, A.; Mondino, D.; Schiewe, J.: Integration verschiedener Simulationsmethoden zur energieeffizienten Sanierung am Beispiel eines Innenhofes im Welterbe Speicherstadt Hamburg. In: Bednar, T.; Sint, S. (Hrsg.): BauSIM 2024 Proceedings; 10te Konferenz von IBPSA-DACH, TU Wien, Österreich. Wien: TU Wien, 2024, S. 201-207,

Reinhardt, H.W.: Factors affecting the tensile properties of concrete. In: Weerheijm, J.: Understanding the tensile properties of concrete: In Statics and Dynamics. 2. Ed. Cambridge, MA.; London: Woodhead Publishing, 2024. (Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering), pp. 17-48.

Reinhardt, H.W.: Three concrete fountains in the garden. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 161-166

Reinhardt, H.W.: My involvement in environmental issues. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 167-176

Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Carlo, J.C.; Sakiyama, F.I.H.; Abdesssemed, N.; Frick, J.; Garrecht, H.: Impact of wind pressure coefficients on the natural ventilation effectiveness of buildings through simulations. In: Buildings 14 (2024), Nr. 9, ID 2803,

Schiewe, H.; Markert, M.; Garrecht, H.: Effects of different recycled (RC) aggregates on the fatigue behaviour of high-strength concrete. In: Balazs, G.L.; Solyom, S.; Foster, S. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 15th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary, 28-30 August 2024. [Lausanne]: International Federation of Structural Concrete, 2024, pp. 1183-1190

Schwarte, J.; Hein, H.: On life cycle assessment of higher-level product systems with pre-declared preliminary products. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 23 (2024), S. 191-200

Sippel, T.; Hofmann, J.; Maçi, N.: Einbetonierte Ankerbolzen Peikko HPM-L unter Ermüdungsbeanspruchungen (Teil 1). In: Betonwerk und Fertigteiltechnik 90 (2024), Nr. 12, S. 62-69

Sippel, T.; Hofmann, J.; Maçi, N.: Einbetonierte Ankerbolzen Peikko HPM-L unter seismischen Bedingungen (Teil 1). In: Betonwerk und Fertigteiltechnik 90 (2024), Nr. 8., S. 30-36

Sippel, T.; Hofmann, J.; Maçi, N.: Einbetonierte Ankerbolzen Peikko HPM-L unter seismischen Bedingungen (Teil 2). In: Betonwerk und Fertigteiltechnik 90 (2024), Nr. 9, S. 62-68

Stucki, S.; Kelch, S.; Mamie, T.; Burckhardt, U.; Grönquist, P.; Elsener, R.; Schubert, M.; Frangi, A.; Burgert, I.: High-performance timber-concrete-composites with polymer concrete and beech wood. In: Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024), No. 134069,

Teichmann, A.; Strahm, B.; Garrecht, H.; Blandini, L.: Effects of a two-stage mixing process on the characteristics of concrete: Part 1: Hardened concrete characteristics. In: Results in Materials 23 (2024), ID 100604,

Teichmann, L.; Resta, L.F.; Hein, H.; Dinga, G.T.; Ramadan, Z.; Bögle, A.; Mondino, D.; Garrecht, H.; Sustainable development in listed districts: CO2 neutral World Heritage Speicherstadt Hamburg. Bauphysik 46 (2024), No. 3, S. 127-134,

Teichmann, L.; Resta, L.F.; Hein, H.; Dinga, G.T.; Ramadan, Z.; Bögle, A.; Mondino, D.; Garrecht, H.; Sustainable development in listed districts: CO2 neutral World Heritage Speicherstadt Hamburg. In: Vogel, A.; Völker, C.; Kornadt, O. (Hrsg.): Proceedings Bauphysiktage in Weimar 2024: Bauphysik in Forschung und Praxis. Weimar: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2024,

Wachsmann, S.B.; Ruf, M.; Prinz, C.; Oehlsen, N.; Zhou, X.; Dyballa, M.; Arweiler, C.; Leistner, P.; Steeb, H.; Garrecht, H.; Laschat, S.: Chitin / Chitosan biocomposite foams with chitins from different organisms for sound absorption. In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering 12 (2024), No. 32, pp. 11879 - 11890,

Xu, T.; Garrecht, H.: Effects of mixing techniques and material compositions on the compressive strength and thermal conductivity of ultra-lightweight foam concrete. In: Materials 17 (2024), No. 11, ID 2640,


Blandini, L.; Kovaleva, D.; Nething, C.; Nigl, D.; Smirnova, M.; Strahm, B.; Eppinger, E.; Teichmann, A.: Leicht bauen mit Beton - ausgewählte Forschungsarbeiten des ILEK. In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 118 (2023), Nr. 5, S. 310-319, 

Bokor, B.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Nonlinear spring modelling approach for concrete edge breakout failure of shear loaded anchorages of arbitrary configurations. In: Engineering Structures 279 (2023), No. 115608,

Cao, A.S.; Grönquist, P.; Frangi, A.: Catenary action in strip-reinforced wood and timber beams. In: Construction and Building Materials 385 (2023), No. 131422,

Cattaneo, S.; Mahadik, V.; Genesio, G.; Hofmann, J.: Influence of edge proximity on concrete breakout failure in post-installed RC columns foundation joints. In: Materials and Structures 56 (2023), No. 7, ID 119, 

Füchslin, M.; Grönquist, P.; Stucki, S.; Mamie, T.; Kelch, S.; Burgert, I.; Frangi, A.: Push-out tests of wet-process adhesive-bonded beech timber-concrete and timber-polymer-concrete composite connections. In: Nyrud, A.Q.; Malo, K.A.; Nore, K. (Eds.): World Conference on Timber Engineering, Oslo 2023: timber for a livable future. Red Hook, NY.: Curran Associates Inc., 2023, pp. 3241-3247,

Grönquist, P.; Müller, K.; Mönch, S.; Frangi, A.: Design of adhesively bonded timber-concrete composites: bondline properties. In: 10th International Network on Timber Engineering Research (INTER) Meeting 2023, Biel; Proceedings, paper 56-7-5,

Grönquist, P.; Töpler, J.; Tapia, C.: Polar representation of material elasticity applied to wood and engineered wood products. In: 20th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 2023, Porto,

Grüter, C.; Gordon, M.; Muster, M.; Kastner, F.; Grönquist, P.; Frangi, A.; Langenberg, S.; De Wolf, C.: Design for and from dissassembly with timber elements: strategies based on two case studies from Switzerland. In: Frontiers in Built Environment 9 (2023),

Hein, H.; Schwarte, J.: Thinking in a holistic way: a critical look at current sustainability strategies. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 61-72

Holder, J.; Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Validation of FE model for predicting the response of headed studs under tension. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 73-88

Jebara, K.; Sharma, A.; Ozbolt, J.: Design Recommendations for Concrete Pryout Capacity of Headed Steel Studs and Post-Installed Anchors. In: CivilEng 4 (2023), No. 3, pp. 782-807,

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Concrete cone failure of post-installed fasteners during fire. In: ce-papers 6 (2023), No. 1, pp. 373-380,

Maci, N.; Hofmann, J.: Influence on the load-displacement behaviour of steel-to-concrete connections woth post-installed adhesive anchors. In: ce-papers 6 (2023), No. 1, pp. 471-481,

Mahadik, V.; Hofmann, J.: Numerically aided prediction of fatigue life of headed studs under steel failure. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 89-102

Mahadik, V.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Cast-in and post-installed rebar anchorage systems in RC column foundation joints: system specific assessment and design. In: Engineering Structures 276 (2023), No. 115356,

Markert, M.; Garrecht, H.: Einfluss von RC-Gesteinskörnung auf das Druckkriechen eines hochfesten Betons. In: CE Papers 6 (2023), Nr. 6, S. 984-990,

Mishra, M.; Mahadik, V.; Hofmann, J.: Local concrete failure under bends of closely spaced reinforcing bars. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 103-114

Ozbolt. J.: Modeling deterioration of RC structures due to environmental conditions. In: Rossi, P.; Tailhan, J.-L. (Eds.):  Numerical Modeling Strategies for Sustainable Concrete Structures : SSCS 2022. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023. (RILEM Bookseries ; 38), pp. 278-288,

Petrasch, M.; Hofmann: Strengthening of anchor channels on the concrete surface. In: ce-papers 6 (2023), No. 1, pp. 494-505,

Pimienta, P.; McNamee, R.; Hager, I.; u.a.; Bosnjak, J.; u.a.; Lakhani; u.a.: Recommendations of RILEM TC 256-SPF on the method of testing concrete spalling due to fire: material screening test. In: Materials and Structures 56 (2023), No. 9, ID 164,

Pröbsting, A.; Mahadik, V.; Schuler, H.; Hofmann, J.: Finite element analysis of clamped shear walls under earthquake action. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 151-166

Reinhardt, H.W.: On the disassembly and reuse of concrete structures. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 167-176

Reinhardt, H.W.; Mielich, O.: Alternative method to predict residual service life of concrete airfield pavement with emphasis on runways. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 177-186

Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Carlo, J.C.; Frick, J.; Garrecht, H.: CFD-based wind pressure coefficients on building facades with Butterfly/OpenFOAM for airflow network models. In: IBPSA Brasil, VII Congresso Latino Americano de Simulacao de Edificios, IBPSA Latam 2023, Florianopolis, Brasil, 9 e 10 de marco de 2023

Sakiyama, F.I.H.; Verissimo, G.S.; Lehmann, F.; Garrecht, H.: Quantifying the extent of local damage of a 60-year-old prestressed concrete bridge: a hybrid SHM approach. In: Structural Health Monitoring 22 (2023), No. 1. pp. 496-517,

Schwarte, J.; Hein, H.: Comparability as a theoretical precondition for sustainability decision. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 22 (2023), S. 187-195

Töpler, J.; Schweigler, M.; Lemaître, R.; Palma, P.; Schenk, M.; Grönquist, P.; Tapia, C.; Hochreiner, G.; Kuhlmann, U.: Finite element based design of timber structures. 10th International Network on Timber Engineering Research (INTER) Meeting 2023, Biel; Proceedings, paper 56-102-1,

Yin, X.; Li, Q.; Wang, Q.; Reinhardt, H.-W.; Xu, S.: The double-k fracture model: a state-of-the-art review. In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics 277  (2023), No. 108988,


Bokor, B.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Nonlinear spring modelling approach for the evaluation of tension loaded anchorages in cracked concrete. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 170-181

Fröhlich, T.; Hofmann, J.; Ziwes, M.; Kuhlmann, U.: Ermüdungsverhalten von Kopfbolzen in Beton- und Verbundkonstruktionen. In: Beton- und Stahlbeton 117 (2022), S. 37-46

Fröhlich, T.; Lotze, D.; Hofmann, J.: Effect of static load level on the fatigue resistance of post-installed anchors in case of steel failure. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 652-663

Garrecht, H.; Reeb, S.; Renner, C.; Hübner, C.; Trebbels, D.: Development of a minimally invasive moisture measurement system for continuous monitoring – moisture damage to the Zeppelin Grandstand in Nuremberg. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 21 (2022), S. 91-112

Grosser, P.; Silva, J.; Eligehausen, R.; Meinheit, D.: Concrete breakout strength of anchors under shear loading. In: ACI Structural Journal 119 (2022), No. 6, pp. 259-273

Hofmann, J.; Mahadik, V.; Sharma, A.: Assessment framework in background of TR069. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 506-515

Hofmann, J.; Weihe, S.; Kerkhof, K.; Dwenger, F.; Ries, M.; Henkel, F.O.: Assessment of piping integrity with post-installed anchor fastenings during seismic loading. In: 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology 2022 : SMiRT 26, 10-15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany; Transactions 

Koch, S.M.; Grönquist, P.; Monney, C.; Burgert, I.; Frangi, A.: Densified delignified wood as bio-based fiber reinforcement for stiffness increase of timber structures. In: Composites Part A 163 (2022), No. 107220,

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: 3D FE simulation of bonded anchors under tensile load during fire. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 839-850

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Finite element analysis anchor base plate. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 21 (2022), S. 123-134

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.; Aggarwal, J.: Evaluation of pull-out capacity of post-installed rebars during fire: sensitivity to thermal properties. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 815-826

Mahadik, V.; Hofmann, J.; Genesio, G.; Sharma, A.: Concrete breakout failures in rebar end anchorages. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 146-157

Markert, M.; Birtel, V.; Garrecht, H.: Influence of the concrete moisture content on the strain development due to cyclic loading. In: Zingoni, A. (Ed.): Current perspectives and new directions in mechanics, modelling and design of structural systems: proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation SEMC 2022, Cape Town, 5.-7th September 2022. London : CRC Press, 2022, pp. 1352-1356

Markert, M.; Katzmann, J.; Birtel, V.; Garrecht, H.; Steeb, H.: Investigation of the influence of moisture content on fatigue behaviour of HPC by using DMA and XRCT. In: Materials 15 (2022), Nr. 1

Mutz, A.; Kerkhof, K.; Hofmann, J.: Structural Integrity of small-diameter piping during seismic loading. In: 26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology 2022 : SMiRT 26, 10-15 July 2022, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany; Transactions 

Ozbolt, J.; Gambarelli, S.; Zadran, S.: Coupled hygro-mechanical meso-scale analysis of long-tem creep and shrinkage of concrete cylinder. In: Engineering Structures 262 (2022), No. 114332

Reinhardt, H.,W.: Three remarkable cases of structural damage due to imposed deformation. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 21 (2022), S. 145-158

Sakiyama, F.I.H.; Lehmann, F.; Garrecht, H.: Development of a high sensor-count SHM of a prestressed concrete bridge using fibe optic sensors. In: Sena-Cruz, J.; Correia, L.; Azenha, M (Eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd RILEM Spring Convention and Conference (RSCC 2020). Cham : Springer, 2022. (RILEM Bookseries ; 34), Volume 3, pp 183-195

Sakiyama, F.I.H.; Verissimo, G.S.; Lehmann, F.; Garrecht, H.: Quantifying the extent of local damage of a 60-year old prestressed concrete bridge: a hybrid SHM approach. In: Structural Health Monitoring (2022), online first

Schwarte, J.: Metaethical and modallogical aspects of the imperative of sustainability. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 21 (2022), S. 159-170

Sippel, T.; Hofmann, J.: Behavior of column shoe systems - experimental and accompanying finite element investigations. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 118-132

Sippel, T.; Hofmann, J.: The beam end test as a test specimen for the bond of reinforcement bars in concrete. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 528-540

Sippel, T.; Hofmann, J.; Maçi, N.: Tragverhalten von Stützenschuhverbindungen; Teil 1: Experimentelle Untersuchungen. In: Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau (2022), Nr. 1, S. 29-38

Sippel, T.; Hofmann, J.; Maçi, N.: Tragverhalten von Stützenschuhverbindungen; Teil 2: Untersuchungen zum Verformungsverhalten mit FE-Rechnungen. In: Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau (2022), Nr. 2, S. 41-47

Vita, N.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Bonded anchors with post-installed supplementary reinforcement under tension loading - experimental investigations. In: Engineering Structures 252 (2022), No. 113754

Vita, N.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Strengthening of anchorages with post-installed reinforcement under shear loading. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 231-245

Weber, A.; Dittmar, J.; Mahadik, V.: Different anchoring concepts for GFRP rebars and anchors. In: Hofmann, J.; Plizzari, G. (Eds.): Bond in Concrete, Bond, Anchorage, Detailing: 5th International Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 25th - 27th July 2022; Proceedings. Stuttgart : Institute of Materials Construction; Materials Testing Institute, 2022, pp. 105-117



Al-Rousan, R.Z.; Sharma, A.: Integration of FRP sheet as internal reinforcement in reinforced concrete beam-column joints exposed to sulfate damaged. In: Structures 31 (2021), pp. 891-908

Blagojevic, B.; Nitsche, A.; Sawodny, O.: Modelling of Transient Incompressible Mass Flow through a Hose, 2021 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications CCTA, pp. 424-429, DOI: 10.1109/CCTA48906.2021.9659068

Bogdanic, A.; Casucci, D.; Ozbolt, J.: Numerical and experimental investigation of anchor channels subjected to shear load in composite slabs with profiled steel decking. In: Engineering Structures 240 (2021), No. 112347

Bogdanic, A.; Casucci, D.; Ozbolt, J.: Numerical and experimental investigation on concrete splitting failure of anchor channels. In: CivilEng 2 (2021), No. 2, pp. 502-522

Bokor, B.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Concrete edge failure of anchor groups placed parallel to an edge. In: ACI Structural Journal 118 (2021), No. 2, 237-248

Bokor, B.; Sharma, A.: Numerical investigations on non-rectangular anchor groups under shear loads applied perpendicular or parallel to an edge. In: CivilEng 2 (2021), No. 3, pp. 692-711

Eckstein, M.Y.; Hofmann, J.: Tests to assess the durability of expansion anchors made of galvanized steel with functional coating under different storage conditions. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 20 (2021), S. 61-74

Fuchs, W.; Hofmann, J.: Post-installed reinforcing bars - requirements for their reliable use. In: Developments in the Built Environment 5 (2021), No. 100040

Gambarelli, S.; Ozbolt, J.: 3D hygro-mechanical meso-scale model for wood. In: Construction and Building Materials 311 (2021), No. 125283

Gambarelli, S.; Ozbolt, J.: Meso-scale modelling of CFRP-confined concrete: microplane-based approach In: Otto-Graf-Journal 20 (2021), S. 89-106

Garrecht, H.; Ditzen, C.; Teichmann, L.; Reeb, S.: Margarethenhöhe goes towards low-carbon-area - sustainable concepts for energy-efficient built heritage. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 863 (2021), No. 012054

Garrecht, H.; Oexle, D.; Lackovic, L.; Teichmann, L.: Solar roof tiles – potentials for energy-efficient buildings in historic building stock In: Otto-Graf-Journal 20 (2021), S. 107-128

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Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.: Concrete cone failure of headed stud under different fire exposure. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 20 (2021), S.135-146

Lakhani, H.; Hofmann, J.; Bal, A.: FE analysis of fasteners exposed to fire: evaluation of concrete cone capacity. In: Pečenko, R.; Huč, S.; Chifliganec, C.; Hozjan, T.: Applications of Structural Fire Engineering, Proceedings; 7th Applications of Structural Fire Engineering (ASFE'21), 10-11 Jun 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia. University of Ljubljana

Laumann, S.; Lehmann, F.; Hofmann, J.: An approach for ultrasound-based ultimate load prediction of fasteners in concrete. In: Otto-Graf-Journal 20 (2021), S. 147-160

Lazik, P.-R.; Garrecht, H.: Wood ashes from electrostatic filter as a replacement for the fly ashes in concrete. In: Journal of Construction Materials 2 (2021), pp. 2-6

Mahadik, V.; Sharma, A.: Bidirectional loading history for seismic testing of 3D frame joints. In: CivilEng 2 (2021), Nr. 2, pp. 349-369

Mahadik, V.; Sharma, A.; Hofmann, J.: Cast-in and post-installed rebar anchorage systems in RC column foundation joints: experimental investigations. In: Engineering Structures 238 (2021), No. 112208

Mahrenholtz, C.; Sharma, A.; Kucharski, M.; Eligehausen, R.; Hammill, N.L.; Hastings, B.: Anchor reinforcement for anchor channels. In: Concrete International 43 (2021), No. 9, pp. 24-29

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Markert, M.; Garrecht, H.: Influence of temperature in crease in fatigue behaviour of concrete during compressive fatigue loading. In: Gatuingt, F.; Torrenti, J.-M. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 2021 Session of the 13th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering. Lausanne: fib International Federation for Structural Concrete, 2021, pp. 266-274

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Sakiyama, F.I.H.; Lehmann, F.; Garrecht, H.:Structural health monitoring of concrete structures using fibre-optic-based sensors: a review. In: Magazine of Concrete Research 73 (2021), No. 4, pp. 174-194

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Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Frick, J.; Bejat, T.; Garrecht, H.: Using CFD to evaluate natural ventilation through a 3D parametric modeling approach. In: Energies 14 (2021), No. 8

Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Frick, J.; Stipetic, M.; Oertel, T.; Garrecht, H.: Hygrothermal performance of a new aerogel-based insulating render through weathering: impact on building energy effiency. In: Building and Environment 202 (2021), September, No. 108004

Sakiyama, N.R.M.; Mazzaferro, L.; Carlo, J.C.; Bejat, T.; Garrecht, H.: Dataset of the EnergyPlus model used in the assessment of natural ventilation potential through buidling simulation. In: Data in Brief 34 (2021), No. 106753

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Sharma, A.; Bosnjak, J.; Tonidis, M.: Post-fire performance of RC beams with critical lap splices - experimental investigation and numerical validation. In: Journal of Building Engineering 34 (2021), No. 102045

Skalecki, P.; Sesselmann, M.; Rechkemmer, S.; Britz, T.; Großmann, A.; Garrecht, H.; Sawodny, O.: Process evaluation for smart concrete road construction: road surface and thickness evaluation using high-speed LiDAR Technology. In: Automation 2 (2021), No. 1, pp. 31-47

Stehle, E.; Sharma, A.: Concrete cone breakout behavior of anchor groups in uncracked concrete under displacement-controlled cyclic tension load. In: Engineering Structures 246 (2021), No. 113092

Stehle, E.; Sharma, A.: Fastening  of a gusset plate to concrete by means of post-installed anchors - numerical investigation. In: Gatuingt, F.; Torrenti, J.-M. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 2021 Session of the 13th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering. Lausanne: fib International Federation for Structural Concrete, 2021, pp. 59-67

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Tian, K.; Ozbolt, J.: Concrete pry-out failure of single headed stud anchors after fire exposure: experimental and numerical study. In: Engineering Structures 232 (2021), No. 111816

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Toth, M.; Bokor, B.; Sharma, A.: Comprehensive literature review on anchorages in steel fibre reinforced concrete. In: Júlio, E; Valença, J.; Louro; A. S. (Eds.): Concrete Structures: New Trends for Eco-Efficiency and Performance; fib Symposium 2021, Lisbon, Portugal, 2021. (ISBN 978-2-940643-08-0), pp. 691-700

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Xu, S.; Li, Q.; Wu, Y.; Dong, L.; Lyu, Y.; Reinhardt, H.W.; Leung, C.K.Y.; Ruiz, G.; Kumar, S.; Hu, S.: Influential factors for double-κ fracture parameters anylyzed by the round robin tests of RILEM TC265.TDK. In: Materials & Structures 54 (2021), No. 227

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