Pfaffenwaldring 4
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 1.30
Structural fire safety
Journal Papers:
- Hitesh Lakhani, Tarinder Singh, Akanshu Sharma, G.R.Reddy, R.K.Singh, “Prediction of post fire load deflection response of RC flexural members using simplistic numeical approach”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol 50, Issue 6, 2014, 755-772
- Hitesh Lakhani, Praveen Kamath, Pradeep Bhargava, Umesh K Sharma, G. R. Reddy, "Thermal Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements", Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, Vol 4, Issue 4, 2013, 227-243
- Hitesh Lakhani, Praveen Kamath, Pradeep Bhargava, Tarvinder Singh, G.R.Reddy, "Simulation of fire resistance of reinforced concrete structural members", Journal of Structural Engineering, Special Issue Vol 40, Issue 1, 2013, 7-11
- Asif H. Shah, Umesh K. Sharma, Pradeep Bhargava, Praveen Kamath, G.R. Reddy, Tarvinder Singh, Hitesh Lakhani, “A full scale fire test on a pre-damaged RC framed structure”, Indian Concrete Journal, Vol 89, Issue 1, 2015, 2259-2274
- Hitesh Lakhani, Tarinder Singh, Akanshu Sharma, G.R.Reddy, R.K.Singh, “Simplistic approach for evaluating the residual capacity of reinforced concrete beams after exposure to fire”, The Fourth International fib Congress, Mumbai, 2014
- M Naga Sandeep, Hitesh Lakhani, Subhash C Yaragal, “Effect of boundary condition on performance of RC beam during fire”, 5 th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS), 10-13 December, India, 2014
- Asif H. Shah, Umesh K. Sharma, Pradeep Bhargava, Praveen Kamath, G.R. Reddy, Tarvinder Singh, Hitesh Lakhani, “Influene of dutility on the behaviour of RC frames in post earthquake fire”, 8 th International conference on Structures in Fire Shanghai, China, 11-13 June, 2014
- Hitesh Lakhani, Tarvinder Singh, G.R. Reddy, K.K.Vaze, "Response of Reinforced Concrete Columns under Fire Exposure”, Structural Engineering Convention(SEC-2012), 19-21 December, Surat, India, 2012
- Hitesh Lakhani, Tarvinder Singh, G.R. Reddy, K.K.Vaze, "Evaluation of the Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Beams", Structural Engineering Convention(SEC-2012), 19-21 December, Surat, India, 2012
- Hitesh Lakhani, Praveen Kamath, Pradeep Bhargava, Tarvinder Singh, G.R.Reddy, "Simulation of Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Structural Members", 4 th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS), 10-12 December, IIT Hyderabad, India, 2012
- Hitesh Lakhani, Tarvinder Singh, G.R.Reddy, K.K.Vaze, "Analytical Methods for Determining Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Members", 28th National Convention of Civil Engineers and National Seminar on Role of Infrastructure for Sustainable Development, 12-14 October, Roorkee, 2012
- Hitesh Lakhani, “Response of RC elements exposed to fire”, Master Thesis, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 2011
- Lecture: Performance of reinforced concrete structures under fire
More information on C@mpus
- 2009: Bachelor of Engineering "Civil Engineering" (with Honours), Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajashtan, India
- 2011: Masters of Technology "Civil Engineering" (Gold Medalist), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee, India
Work Experience:
- August 2011 - December 2014: Scientific Officer of Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India
- February 2015 - until today: Scientific Researcher, Institute of Construction Materials, University of Stuttgart Germany
Master Thesis Guided:
- M Naga Sandeep, "Performance of RC beams at elevated temperatures” (Completed: June 2014 at National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India)
- Sri Rama Krishna Kavukuru, “Bond behavior between concrete and rebar” (Completed: June 2014 at National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India)
- Performance based design of RC structures under fire
- Inelastic analysis procedures for assessing the behaviour of RC structures during fire
- Residual strength assessment and strengthening of RC structures after exposure to high temperature
- Testing of RC structures and components under elevated temperatures
- Bond behaviour between reinforcement and concrete
- Seismic qualification of RC structures
- Residual strength assessment and strengthening of masonry structures after fire
- Numerical modelling of structures under extreme loading
- Strengthening and retrofitting methods
- Fastening technology
You can find our team members sorted by categories under the particular link